Monday, May 4, 2009

WA - 8

Recycle. Who knew such a small word could impact the lives of so many. Make the extra effort. The world isn’t going anywhere so your actions now will severely affect our future. Recycling isn’t only going to affect those around you. It also plays a major role in your future as well. There is no skill involved to recycle. Anyone can recycle.

Many things can be recycled. If you have any question about whether or not it is a recyclable, just look on the bottom of the container. As companies are becoming more and more aware of the benefits of recycling, the more and more products they distribute they can be recyclable. Many shoe boxes and food containers are becoming recyclable. Recycle those empty beer cans. Recycle those cardboard beer holders. Glass containers are being used when plastics are not needed. All glass is 100% recyclable where as many plastics are not.

How many times have you traveled around campus and seen those red cups lying all over the front yard of sororities or fraternities? I am guessing the answer for most of you is, more than once. How many times have you walked out the front door of your sorority and been amazed at the mess? I am guessing the answer would still remain, more than once. I believe there is a time to have fun, as well as respectful to those around you. Your sorority is not the only house on the block. Recycling your cups and containers will make everyone happy and better our future. And you won’t have any more of those “this is a mess” moments you’re probably used too. Recycling has become increasingly easier, due to the city’s efforts of creating recycling centers located around campus.

Recycling also saves space for those non-biodegradables in landfills. Non-biodegradables take more time to decompose. If landfills are being overtaken by non-biodegradables, there will soon be a shortage of landfills. When there is a shortage of landfills, the waste begins to sneak its way to various other locations and eventually begin to seep into our oceans and water sources. Recycling reduces the risk of having too much non-biodegradable waste and not enough landfills. Recycling produces less waste and is easier to maintain. Recycling furthermore saves many natural resources that are increasingly being used up. Recycling also reduces the amount of energy needed to produces certain non-biodegradables. If we reuse them, we won’t rely so much on foreign production. Plastic, many of it is made in China, they have different health regulations and so we decided to use their lack of knowledge to our advantage. We need to stop using foreign countries to do the dirty work for us.

I know you may think this is a lot of work for little improvement. But every little piece of effort can go a long way. It will make better for our generation and the generations to come. Please recycle. Let’s not leave our next generation the job of correcting our mistakes.

WA 7

Recycle. Who knew such a small word could impact the lives of so many. Make the extra effort. The world isn’t going anywhere so your actions now will severely affect our future. Recycling isn’t only going to affect those around you. It also plays a major role in your future as well. There is no skill involved to recycle. Anyone can recycle.

Many things can be recycled. If you have any question about whether or not it is a recyclable, just look on the bottom of the container. As companies are becoming more and more aware of the benefits of recycling, the more and more products they distribute they can be recyclable. Many shoe boxes and food containers are becoming recyclable. Recycle those empty beer cans. Recycle those cardboard beer holders. Glass containers are being used when plastics are not needed. All glass is 100% recyclable where as many plastics are not.

How many times have you traveled around campus and seen those red cups lying all over the front yard of sororities or fraternities? I am guessing the answer for most of you is, more than once. How many times have you walked out the front door of your sorority and been amazed at the mess? I am guessing the answer would still remain, more than once. I believe there is a time to have fun, as well as respectful to those around you. Your sorority is not the only house on the block. Recycling your cups and containers will make everyone happy and better our future. And you won’t have any more of those “this is a mess” moments you’re probably used too. Recycling has become increasingly easier, due to the city’s efforts of creating recycling centers located around campus.

Recycling also saves space for those non-biodegradables in landfills. Non-biodegradables take more time to decompose. If landfills are being overtaken by non-biodegradables, there will soon be a shortage of landfills. When there is a shortage of landfills, the waste begins to sneak its way to various other locations and eventually begin to seep into our oceans and water sources. Recycling reduces the risk of having too much non-biodegradable waste and not enough landfills. Recycling produces less waste and is easier to maintain. Recycling furthermore saves many natural resources that are increasingly being used up. Recycling also reduces the amount of energy needed to produces certain non-biodegradables. If we reuse them, we won’t rely so much on foreign production. Plastic, many of it is made in China, they have different health regulations and so we decided to use their lack of knowledge to our advantage. We need to stop using foreign countries to do the dirty work for us.

I know you may think this is a lot of work for little improvement. But every little piece of effort can go a long way. It will make better for our generation and the generations to come. Please recycle. Let’s not leave our next generation the job of correcting our mistakes.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

WA-8 : Recycle

Recycle. Who knew such a small word could impact the lives of so many. Make the extra effort. The world isn’t going anywhere so your actions now will severely affect our future. Recycling isn’t only going to affect those around you. It also plays a major role in your future as well. There is no skill involved to recycle. Anyone can recycle.

Many things can be recycled. If you have any question about whether or not it is a recyclable, just look on the bottom of the container. As companies are becoming more and more aware of the benefits of recycling, the more and more products they distribute they can be recyclable. Many shoe boxes and food containers are becoming recyclable. Recycle those empty beer cans. Recycle those cardboard beer holders. Glass containers are being used when plastics are not needed. All glass is 100% recyclable where as many plastics are not.

How many times have you traveled around campus and seen those red cups lying all over the front yard of sororities or fraternities? I am guessing the answer for most of you is, more than once. How many times have you walked out the front door of your sorority and been amazed at the mess? I am guessing the answer would still remain, more than once. I believe there is a time to have fun, as well as respectful to those around you. Your sorority is not the only house on the block. Recycling your cups and containers will make everyone happy and better our future. And you won’t have any more of those “this is a mess” moments you’re probably used too. Recycling has become increasingly easier, due to the city’s efforts of creating recycling centers located around campus.

Recycling also saves space for those non-biodegradables in landfills. Non-biodegradables take more time to decompose. If landfills are being overtaken by non-biodegradables, there will soon be a shortage of landfills. When there is a shortage of landfills, the waste begins to sneak its way to various other locations and eventually begin to seep into our oceans and water sources. Recycling reduces the risk of having too much non-biodegradable waste and not enough landfills. Recycling produces less waste and is easier to maintain. Recycling furthermore saves many natural resources that are increasingly being used up. Recycling also reduces the amount of energy needed to produces certain non-biodegradables. If we reuse them, we won’t rely so much on foreign production. Plastic, many of it is made in China, they have different health regulations and so we decided to use their lack of knowledge to our advantage. We need to stop using foreign countries to do our dirty work.

I know you may think this is a lot of work for little improvement. But every little piece of effort can go a long way. It will make better for our generation and the generations to come. Please recycle and let’s not leave our next generation the job of correcting our mistakes.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

WA-7 2nd (Final)

The sun slowly awakened from its restful sleep and peeked its head over the mountain range afar. Its rays settled upon my tribe. My name is Ade Chi-Chike Enam. My name means “Gift from the powerful, royal God.” I am the oldest son in the Chike Enam royal family. Our family was recently blessed with a newborn baby, a boy, Taji Muhammed-Chike Enam. He would also be in line to inherit the family throne. I was born five years ago and this is my story from a toddler in a cradle to a man in a throne.

My empirical destiny originated 5 years ago in a hut in village twenty miles south of the Uganda and Rwanda border. The hut had a dusty brown look from the inside. The floor was a mixture of tough African soil and imported straw from grasslands afar. And on the outside it appeared like a stationed billboard, consisting of Velvex Napkin ads, and US Postal Box logos. To the outside world it didn’t amount to much but to me it was as royal as royal could get. Never the less it was more advanced than any other living structure you would find within miles.

As I experienced daylight for the first time, tribal personal began to gather in a horseshow around the entrance to our hut. Smiling and pointing at me, they began to cheer. As if a lightning bolt had hit them a feeling of excitement jolted them at once, realizing there was a promising future in my control of the tribe. Many years past and I grew from holding a rattle to holding a spear. I began to aid my father more and more in hopes his actions and thought process would rub off on me. His duties would before long become my responsibility. My father Ekon Chi-Chike Enam was happy of the outcome of his oldest son. My sister had become a grown woman and started a family of her own. Her hut was a mere two huts over. Even as time grew on our family was never too far apart. Once my younger brother Taji reached an appropriate age, he slowly but surely began to follow in mine and my father’s footsteps.

The year came; it was my turn to step up to the plate. I was only 22 and yet my father believed I was ready to lead the tribe. My father had taught me everything; from issues big and small. He wanted the following generation to be as successful as himself in leading a successful and productive tribe. When the day would come he wanted to look at me and see an image of himself. That day had come. The ceremony began. My father sat in his throne as everyone gather and began to chant the tribal chant. The drums began a slow rolling beat and then increased in speed second by second. As I stood from a sitting position to kneeling at my father’s feet, the drums temp began to electrify the whole congregation. My father raised his hands in the air and clenched his fist, silence. His voiced rumbled across the crowd of tribal folk. His arms came to rest upon my shoulders, I stood as I was told and my father returned to his throne. The finest warrior in the land stepped before the crowd, his name was Adofo Ade Bomani. He was feared by all who opposed him in battle. He stepped up before my father and removed his tribal crown. He placed his arms on my father’s shoulders and my father stepped down from his throne. His tribal crown was passed down to me. I took his place in the thrown. My era had finally begun. After all those years of being taught from the highest ran, it was my turn now. It was time to lead my tribe to greatness. There would be no let down in the absence of my father.

At the moment I am sitting on my throne and recalling highlights of my life in this diary. It’s composed of paper scraps bound by a larger section of cloth and twine. My father died not too many years ago. And my mother is still alive and well. Mending the royal hut was getting harder and harder for her so Taji, my younger brother, is beginning to assist her more and more. My sister has a family of her own with grown children. My father prepared us well for our future knowing his time would come soon enough. I believe he still guides us through life’s most difficult obstacles despite his absence here on earth. He prepared us for anything life could throw in our way. His ideas will be carried down from generation by generation. His legacy will be everlasting.

Monday, March 2, 2009


I am the cow; the chunky, meaty, milky cow. My name is Chester. I am the cow in which the groom, Larry O'Connor, sat on while marrying his ugly wife Mary Jane Goodwrench. It all started when I was a wee little cow, a newborn if you will, I was Mary Jane’s favorite little calf. On the left side of my stomach lay a pattern that resembled a heart, Mary Jane instantly fell in love. Due to her ugliness, I wish she hadn’t. She cared for me, nurtured me. She fed me as much food as I wanted. She always singled me out from the group. As a cow, I wanted to be big, strong, and MANLY. She cared for me as if I was her little Chihuahua. Totally the opposite direction I wanted to be heading with my stature in my herd of cattle. Years past and I grew; I really grew; now weighing more than 500 tons. A man named Larry started coming home with Mary Jane on a regular basis. He began to walk out to the pasture with her and feed us. Then it became every day. They would sit on the fence lining our pasture and just look at us as if we were doing something exciting. If I could talk I would have said, “Yo, can I help you?” But I can’t so I wasn’t able express my disapproval of some country redneck guy starring at me for 2 plus hours. I lumbered away mumbling under my breath, “Get a room.” So I realized they were going to get married when they started setting up chairs and placing an alter in the middle of our barn at 5:30 in the morning. I was furious, my beauty sleep was interrupted. The clanging and clattering of chairs moving from left to right and ramming my stall filled me with uncontrollable anger, but I was too lethargic to stir up any physical emotion. I fell back asleep during the time in which I took a break from being furious. The actually wedding wasn’t planned to begin until 4 in the afternoon. My so-called gown was a pair of cowboy boots, blue jeans, plaid shirt, leather vest and a cowboy hat. I was planning on giving my husband a lasso as a wedding gift. My nervousness began to have the best of me as the moment I had been waiting for ticked closer and closer. As I made my way from the farmhouse to the barn, which was holding the wedding, I began to think if really what I was doing was the right choice. As a turned the corner and entered the barn, and I saw him, I knew this was it. Larry looked so nice, in his boots, leather vest, and cowboy hat, smiling with his 9 teeth. As I mounted Chester, my heart began to race. The excitement was so every whelming. Everyone was dressed so nicely, dirty jeans and a t-shirt and occasionally I would spot a button down here and there. The actually ceremony went by quickly. As my family and Larry’s filed out, the cows were released back into their field. Everyone gathered around the hay stacks in the barn to eat and dance. Larry and I planned to milk cows in German for our honeymoon.


I love Larry so much. I love how he loves his animals. I am ready for our wedding. I love animals. He loves animals. We both love animals. For our wedding we decided to do something crazy. Larry has a farm in which he raises cattle. My favorite cow was this chunky, meaty, milky cow named Chester. We both decided we were going to get married while sitting on the back of a cow. Larry planed to sit on his favorite cow Lester while I sit Chester. The preparation began early in the morning. The actually wedding wasn’t planned to begin until 4 in the afternoon. My so-called gown was a pair of cowboy boots, blue jeans, plaid shirt, leather vest and a cowboy hat. I was planning on giving my husband a lasso as a wedding gift. My nervousness began to have the best of me as the moment I had been waiting for ticked closer and closer. As I made my way from the farmhouse to the barn, which was holding the wedding, I began to think if really what I was doing was the right choice. As a turned the corner and entered the barn, and I saw him, I knew this was it. Larry looked so nice, in his boots, leather vest, and cowboy hat, smiling with his 9 teeth. As I mounted Chester, my heart began to race. The excitement was so every whelming. Everyone was dressed so nicely, dirty jeans and a t-shirt and occasionally I would spot a button down here and there. The actually ceremony went by quickly. As my family and Larry’s filed out, the cows were released back into their field. Everyone gathered around the hay stacks in the barn to eat and dance. Larry and I planned to milk cows in German for our honeymoon.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I am the cow; the chunky, meaty, milky cow. My name is Chester. I am the cow in which the groom, Larry O'Connor, sat on while marrying his ugly wife Mary Jane Goodwrench. It all started when I was a wee little cow, a newborn if you will, I was Mary Jane’s favorite little calf. On the left side of my stomach lay a pattern that resembled a heart, Mary Jane instantly fell in love. Due to her ugliness, I wish she hadn’t. She cared for me, nurtured me. She fed me as much food as I wanted. She always singled me out from the group. As a cow, I wanted to be big, strong, and MANLY. She cared for me as if I was her little Chihuahua. Totally the opposite direction I wanted to be heading with my stature in my herd of cattle. Years past and I grew; I really grew; now weighing more than 500 tons. A man named Larry started coming home with Mary Jane on a regular basis. He began to walk out to the pasture with her and feed us. Then it became every day. They would sit on the fence lining our pasture and just look at us as if we were doing something exciting. If I could talk I would have said, “Yo, can I help you?” But I can’t so I wasn’t able express my disapproval of some country redneck guy starring at me for 2 plus hours. I lumbered away mumbling under my breath, “Get a room.” So I realized they were going to get married when they started setting up chairs and placing an alter in the middle of our barn at 5:30 in the morning. I was furious, my beauty sleep was interrupted. The clanging and clattering of chairs moving from left to right and ramming my stall filled me with uncontrollable anger, but I was too lethargic to stir up any physical emotion. I fell back asleep during the time in which I took a break from being furious. As the sun peeped its head out from under the covers, I jostle my legs around, breaking the stiffness of my night within my joints. The day stared our normal, besides the rude awakening. I got my breakfast feed. I got let out into the pasture at the normal time. But around mid-day I was brought back into the barn. I was strapped up. There were tons of people, chairs everywhere. I slowly was dragged to a back door. Larry O’Connor showed up from nowhere and hopped onto my back.